Tehran city tour

Язык Azerbaijani, Английский, Французский, персидский, Tурецкий
Стоимость 35 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Tehran is packed with stunning monuments, museums and sites where you will be able to understand and appreciate our history, arts, culture and architectural treasures, some even date back to the 16th century.

Our tour will start with the Golestan Palace and Grand Bazaar. Then we will visit Shah Mosque and The Smallest Tea House. If you enjoy shopping, I can help you barter or just browse for souvenirs at the Grand Bazaar.

At lunch time I will be happy to help you choose a restaurant to enjoy some of the superb local cuisine. You have many choices around the Grand Bazaar, like moslem restaurant, where you can enjoy one of the best iranian kebabs.

Moreover, we will go to hidden places only known by a local .


What are we going to visit:

- Golestan Palace

- Grand Bazaar

- Shah Mosque (Imam Mosque)

- The smallest tea house in the world

- Timche Akbarian

-National Garden

- The National Museum

- Si-e Tir Street

- Vali-e Asr Street

-Hasan Abad historical square



Local tour guide who speaks english, french, turkish, persian and a little German.


Not Included:

Car, taxi, lunch, dinner, entrance and admission tickets.


Note: The main mode of commuting will be walking.


Meeting point: Outside of Panzda_e khordad subway station.00989023880381.

Take line 1 (red line), get off at Panzdah_e khordad station.



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