Discovering... RECOLETA & RETIRO!

Язык Английский, Португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 16 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Walking is a beautiful habit, and unlike moving around the city by car, bus or bicycle, it gives you time to look up, observe buildings and situations, stop and take pictures.

We will walk about three kilometers through the streets, historical squares and the most beautiful park in the city of Buenos Aires, stopping every now and then to talk about the history of the city. The tour begins in Plaza San Martín, where we will start to learn about how BA started as a small town, continue to one of the biggest railway stations in South America and we will end visiting the amazing Recoleta Cemetery.

We will learn the history of tango, it´s philosophy, how to dance it and what are the rules to follow when visiting a milonga. We will also discover what is "mate", the national drink of the Argentines.

A few years ago with a foreign friend I discovered by chance how beautiful walking tours BA could have, and now I would love to share it with tourists so that together we could also have that incredible experience.

The experience is unique!! :o) Join me!!


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