Private City Tour

Язык Английский, Португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Visit Plaza de Mayo, Pink house (government palace), Metropolitan Cathedral and Cabildo.

Then, continue to the south and reach San Telmo (the oldest area) and we will visit a leather shop and factory, with your tour guide.

At La Boca, make a stop at Caminito street for some free time and coffee (included), shop souvenirs.

Head north to see Puerto Madero (the newest area), Retiro (business area), Recoleta and Palermo. Usually, the last stop is Recoleta Cemetery where Evita Peron was laid to rest. As this is a private tour, you can stop to take photos where you decide, even the end of the tour is up to you! Ticket Not included

PRICE PER person. At least 2 people.


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