Everest Base Camp

Язык Китайский, Английский, Корейский
Стоимость 1200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 недели

Everest Base Camp Short Trek takes us to the backyard of the world famous Sherpas, their faith in Buddhism, Namche Bazaar, the Sagarmatha National Park, the mightiest viewpoint of Kala Patthar and the Everest Base Camp itself. Furthermore, we reach Tengboche Monastery which is the highest monastery in the Khumbu region of Nepal and come close to four of the world's six tallest peaks: Mt. Everest, Mt. Lhotse, Mt. Makalu, and Cho-Oyu. We begin our hike to the Everest base camp with a flight from Kathmandu to Lukla equipped with all necessary permits and trekking gears.

Our 14-day Everest Base Camp Short Trek is a great option for travelers who are pressed for time and are looking forward to almost similar amenities under the cost inclusion section as the 16-day trek. Hikers who are physically fit, in good health, and have a little experience with high altitude walks can sign up for this trip. But, if you are a novice trekker who is in good health and average physical fitness, and if you wish to enjoy easy trek then Everest View Trek - 12 Days might be right for you. For more experienced hikers who wish to take up more challenge and "stay off the beaten path”, then Everest Base Camp Trek via Gokyo Lakes - 18 Days would be an ideal choice.


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