Giza Pyramids, sakkara pyramids and memphis

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Итальянский, Португальский, Русский, Испанский
Стоимость 80 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

You will be picked up from your hotel in the morning. The first thing to do is the pyramids of Giza (Cheops, Chefren, and Mycerinos), which are considered the oldest and best-known buildings of mankind. They originated around 2620 to 2500 BC. BC, in the 4th Dynasty, on the western edge of the Nile Valley and are the only surviving of the seven wonders of the ancient world. The large structures are protected by the Great Sphinx. It consists of a lying lion body with a human head and was also built in the 4th Dynasty.

First, we visit Memphis, the first capital of ancient Egypt and is located 18 km south of Cairo. It was mythically founded by King Menes in 3000 BC. built and under the protection of God Ptah. After lunch, which is included in the price, you will go to the ancient Egyptian necropolis Sakkara. The city of the dead is located 20 km south of Cairo and was already a burial site in the 1st dynasty. At this location, there is also the step pyramid, which belongs to King Djoser (also known as the Djoser pyramid). It has a height of 62.5 m and is the new highest pyramid in Egypt.

Then the return trip to your hotel


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