07 Days / Loikaw and Inle Lake Trip from Yangon

Язык Английский
Стоимость 240 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 1 неделя

You will get the changes to see the life of Kayan ethnic people in Loikaw and to explore the more natural beauties of Southern Shan State including beautiful Inle Lake.

Start Time: 8:00 AM

Pick up points: Your hotel/your suggested location

Day 01 Yangon - Loikaw

Get picked up from your hotel and transfer to Aungmingalar bus terminal for night coach to Loikaw.

Day 02 Loikaw sightseeing Tour

Arriving in town, visit the King Catholic Church, Kayah state’s oldest church built by Roman Catholic missionaries in 1939.Next, go to Thiriminagalar Pon monastery which is used to the Haw of Loikaw

Then drive to Kyat Gu, the third-longest natural limestone cave and about 2200 meters in length.

Watch the sunset at Taung Kwe Pagoda, the main religious landmark in Loikaw which comprises several white and gold monuments sitting on the top of limestone outcrops.

Stay overnight in Loikaw.

Day 03 Loikaw – Panpet Village

After breakfast, head to Panpet village, the homeland of the long-neck Kayan people. Then start the soft trekking (for approximately two hours) to the beautiful views of the hill. Continue your trekking to Salong Kana hamlet with a guide of their communities.

Before the artisans' trail in this village, stop for lunch at one of the local houses. Next, visit traditional, Kayan homes where you can see artisans making Kayan bracelets, weaving traditional cloth and other handicrafts.

Stay overnight in Loikaw.

Day 04 Loikaw - Phekon- Sagar- Inle Lake

Transfer to Phekon Jetty by private vehicle and board a private motorboat to Sagar, the far southern region of Inle Lake. The boat journey takes 2.5-3 hours but is full of fabulous views and home to many unique species of birds, both indigenous and migratory. Then visit 108 ‘sunken’ stupas of Sagar from the 16-17th centuries sitting partially underwater. Continue to the village of Thaya Gone, and watch the process of distillation and then sample some of the local brews. And transfer to your hotel.

Stay overnight on Inle Lake.

Day 05 Inle Lake Boat Tour

In the morning, take a private boat to reach you the beautiful old temples of Indein, located on the hill overlooking the famous Inle Lake.

And then continue to Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda of five Buddha images, the primary pilgrimage site of locals in Inle Lake. Proceed to the old Nga Pe Chaung Wooden Monastery to see a finely decorated wood carving of religious artifacts inside it. There are many workshops of silversmith, boat making and weaving for those interested in handicrafts making.

Head to Nyaung Shwe for your overnight stay there.

Day 06 Nyaung Shwe – Kaku - Yangon

Head to famous Kuku, the hidden forest of the stupas. Located close to Mway Taw village in Pa-O territories, Kakku is ancient stupas complex with over 2000 stupas packed closely together in ranks and covering an area of a square kilometer. Explore Kakka stupas on foot and discovers the intricate carving and details on the structure.

Take overnight coach bound for Yangon.

Day 07 Yangon

Arriving at Aungmingalar Bus Terminal, transfer to your hotel/ Yangon International Airport for your flight.


- Entrance tickets for sightseeing places and meals and drinks are not included

- Clients are responsible to arrange for the private/public transportation and accommodation arrangements

- The tour can be customizable according to your own needs.


The other expenses that you will have to use are for

- Private car/ public bus tickets

- Entrance tickets.


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