10 Days/ Discovering Southern Burma (From Yangon to Kawthaung)

Язык Английский
Стоимость 400 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 3 дня

Start Time: 8:00 AM

Pick up points: Your hotel/your suggested location

Day 01 Yangon- Mawlamyine

Pick up from your hotel in Yangon and drive to Mawlamyine (299 Km, 5h 30m) and then transfer to your hotel.

Stay overnight in Mawlamyine.

Day 02 Mawlamyine city tour

Visit the local market and then go to some of the old colonial buildings such as St. Matthew Church and the First Baptist Church. Next, drive to the Sein Done Mipaya monastery for a short visit. Watch the sunset at the famous Kyaikthalyan Paya (old Kipling pagoda) at a hill overlooking the city.

Stay overnight in Mawlamyine.

Day 03 Mawlamyine – Ye

Drive to Win Sein Taw Ya, a big reclining Buddha images built on the hill slope.

Then head to Thanpyuzayat, the western terminus of the infamous 415 km long Burma-Siam railway, also known as death railway. Next, drive to Yele Paya, a famous Buddhist shrine complex peaching on the rocks by the sea.

Stop at Banana Mountain overlooking the whole Ye valley.

Then transfer to your hotel and stay overnight in Ye.

Day 04 Ye - Dawei ( by private AC car) ( B/- /- )

Head to Kyaung Ywa, Mon and Kayin village of wooden stilt houses perched over the Ye River along a road that winds through betel nut, rubber plantations. Then get a long tail boat and head to go Kyaing Lakoiw Paya.

Then leave for Dawei (169 Km, about 4 hours’ drive).

Stay overnight in Dawei.

Day 05 Dawei City Tour. (By private AC car) ( B/- /- )

Stop at Dawei’s Paya Gyi museum and Shwe Taung Sar pagoda.

Drive to Myaw Yit Pagoda, connected by a bridge with the mainland. Afterward, we are going for a swim or stroll along San Maria Beach and Maung Ma Gan Beach.

Stay overnight in Dawei.

Day 06 Dawei –Myeik

After checked out, set off on the 250 km journey south from Dawei to Myeik (5 hours’ drive). On arrival in Myeik, transfer to your hotel for check out.

Stay overnight in Myeik.

Day 07 Myeik City - Dome Island

Transfer to the Seik Nge pier for your island hopping trip on Myeik Archipelago.

Stop at Dome waterfall for having a refreshing bath by climbing up to a higher level of the waterfall. Then continue to Dome Nyaung Mine Village where Sea Gypsies or Moken people are living. Head to the North West Shore of Dome Island where there is our campsite located. You can go swimming and snorkeling the water nearby.

Stay overnight on board.

Day 08 Dome Island - Smart (Par Pant) Island - Myeik (by chartered wooden boat) ( B / L/ -)

Do jungle trekking and hiking on the Island. Cruise towards Smart Island for the snorkeling in clear and calm water.The return trip to Myeik. And then transfer to your hotel.

Stay overnight in Myeik.

Day 09 Myeik -Kawthaung

Drive to Kawthaung ( 8 hours). Watch sunset of the day at 5-5-5 Mountain that offers a spectacular view over the whole town and nearby islands.

And stay overnight in Kawthaung.

Day 10 Kawthaung Sightseeing - Departure

Visiting Mali Wan Waterfall and then continue to the famous King Bayinnaung statue. Nearby Victoria Point, the most Southern Part of Myanmar gives an excellent opportunity for taking pictures.

After breakfast, transfer to the airport for the return flight to Yangon OR take a ferry boat to Ranong (Thailand border town) for your continue trip to Bangkok.


- Entrance tickets for sightseeing places and meals and drinks are not included

- Clients are responsible to arrange for the private/public transportation and accommodation arrangements

- The tour can be customizable according to your own needs.


The other expenses that you will have to use are for

- Private car/ Private boat trip at Myeik Islands

- Entrance tickets/ Royalty fee at Myeik


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