Ancient Plevrona,Oiniades,Messolonghi,Monastery of Ligovitsi Full Day Tour

Язык Английский, Греческий
Стоимость 625 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 12 часов

**This is a private tour 1-4 people and it starts from Athens the price below is per group of 1-4 not per person**

This tour, combines something different from the other tours that are being operated. This tour is for people looking something new and alternative. The area we are going to visit is considered as one of the most virgin areas across Greece. Its residents, have been remained at their roots and have cultivated their land for ages. Their true desire is showing to people who come to their area, the true identity of Greece. An area, away from the spotlights and current affairs, is looking for travelers to explore it inch by inch so that they discover the true meaning of what Greece really means to world. Alongside the great monuments and archaeological sites the area has to offer.

Meeting Point + Tour Duration

Meeting Point Options: Rail or Bus Station, Cruise Ship Port, Airport, Hotel, Address or Intersection

Duration: 12 hours


Mercedes E 200 class(sedan), that is 3 years old with a full insurance coverage.

Clean and Air-conditioned, with Wi-Fi (Free internet).

Up to 3-4 customers.

What’s Included

Guiding Services

Private Transportation

Other: At the end of our tour, we provide our customers with an All-Inclusive dinner at a local restaurant. The dinner, includes variety of meats and fish dishes based on customer's wish. 4 plates for each one of our customers and a drink of their choice.

*Soft drinks, candy and a snack.

*Also is included a coffee in a local coffee shop.

*liability insurance for each participant

***In the End of our Tour a Great Souvenir Gift is included.!!***

Estimated Local Cash Needed

50 Euro - 50 euros per person for entrance in the historical monuments. Free Admission for:


-Members of the ICOM-ICOMOS

-Persons possessing a free admission card

-Persons under 18

-Soldiers carrying out their military service

-Tour guides

-University students from Greece and the E.U.

What’s Extra

-Personal Expenses



-I am not a licensed guide.

-I do not have a license to give tours inside of monuments and historical places.


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