Amir Temur Museum

Язык Английский, Узбекский
Стоимость 10 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 час

State Museum of history of Timurids is located in the centre of Tashkent. It was opened in 1996 in honour of the 660th anniversary of Amir Temur.

Over 5,000 exhibits provide information on history of Central Asia in details during rule of Amir Temur and his dynasty.


The museum is located in rounded three-storey building with classical dome, typical for eastern architecture.

It is decorated with marble inside. The columns soar up high. Interior is richly decorated with the finest paintings and oriental miniatures. About 20 kg of gold leaf was used during construction of the museum. Crystal chandelier, consisting of 106 000 pendants, is a real work of art


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