Язык Английский, Tурецкий
Стоимость 300 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Today we drive to the east of Five Finger Mountains to visit Sourp Magar Monastery. We park our car and walk about 2 km to go to the Monastery. Armenian pilgrims stopped on their way to Jerusalem. In the beginning of the 20AD thousands of Armenian refugees stayed on the island, and the Monastery opened its doors to the orphans and also to those who were in need. In spring on our way to the Monastery we see different kinds of flowers and birds. Some of these flowers are endemic ones. The second stop of the day will be at the Antiphonitis Church. Actually it is located at Esentepe village but again its on the slopes of the mountain range. Nice frescoes can be seen here. The last stop of the day will be at Bellapais Village. We walk in the village , pass by the house of Lawrence Durrell, the author of the 'bitter Lemons of Cyprus'. We visit the Bellapais Monastery which was in use until 16AD Ottoman Period.

This tour will be ideal for you if you like to walk in nature and see the flowers while you listen to the history.


* Professional guidance

*Parking tickets

*A small bottle of water for each participant


* Entrance tickets for historical sights and lunch

* If you will join the tour from other cities than Kyrenai there will be extra transportation fee.


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