Язык Английский, Tурецкий
Стоимость 280 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Today we drive to the south of the island. A village on the way to Limassol. This village is named Skarinou . In this village many of the stoned houses are restorated and it all became one of the tourist attractions but our interest is theGolden Donkeys Farm. There are more than 200 donkeys in the farm and each of them has a name. If you want to ride a donkey you may do so while you are in the farm. At the end of the ride you get a certificate with a photo of you saying that you had the priviledge of riding the donkey which will definitely make your day memorable. There are many products made from donkey milk such as icecream, beauty creams, soaps which are just some of these goods that are sold in the farm. Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt preserved her youthfull look and her glowing skin by bathing in donkey milk. The wax museum must be visited while you are in the farm so you have an idea how the traditional Cypriot life is.This farm is a unique one actually the largest in Cyprus so greatful to the owner Pierris. So why not make your day enjoyable......


* Transportation

*Entrance tickets for the farm

* An icecream made from donkey milk to each participant


* Lunch and personal purchases


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