
Язык Английский
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 день

If you want to immerse yourself in a tour with wildlife, feel the vastness, see very unusual sandy mountains, meet rare species of animals, then this tour is for you

Duration: 1 or 2 days.

Route: Almaty – Basshi village (250km) – Altyn-Emel’s sigths – Almaty

Meeting point: We will pick you up from your Almaty hotel and return you to your hotel after the tour


DAY 1. Singing Dune

08:00- Depart from Almaty.

12:00- Arriving to Baschi village, Lunch

14:00- Transfer to the Singing dune

15:00- Arriving to the Dune

15:00- 18:00 Excursion

18:00 Transfer to the hotel. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

DAY 2: Aktau and Katutau mountains

08:00- Breakfast

09:00- Transfer to Aktau mountains

10:30-13:00- Excursion

13:00- Lunch

14:00- Transfer to Katutau

15:00-17:00 - Excursion

17:00- Transfer to Almaty

During the tour you will:

listen to dune’s music; hike on the top and observe the area;

see landscape like on the mars; unusual white, pink and blue mountains;

see very ancient ruined mountains with preserved volcanic outputs;

see the Saka’s burial mounds date back to the Iron Age (the VII-VI centuries BC

see a rare specious of animals like kulan, Przewalski's horse and so on.

visit a 700-year-old willow;

listen to multiple legends about the mysterious sound of dunes;

experience a life in the village;

Price for 1 day tour: 2 people - $300; 3 people – $315; 4 people - $320; 5 people - $330; 6 people - $340

Price for 2 days tour: 2 people - $410; 3 people – $440; 4 people - $465; 5 people - $495; 6 people - $525

The tour includes: Transport, accommodation, bottled water, entrance fees to eco-park, English speaking guide.


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