Explore Bandia Animals Réserve

Язык Английский
Стоимость 750 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Pick up and drop off at your selected hotel or location

Tour Overview :

Leave for a safari game drive in Bandia Animals Reserve ,a sublime and unique animals sanctuary in Senegal. When crossing the Senegalese suburbs, click the photos of Senegalese dressed in their local attires and some scenes of their daily life.

Then discover the legendary African savannah dominated by the Baobab, an impressive tree , also called :the pachyderm of the savannah.

In Bandia animals reserve ,we will be in 3500 hectares and will have 60 kilometers of track to cover looking for the animals .Once on the spot ,we take a 4WD ,and with the services of ranger ,we start our visit. Witness the hyaenas,the rhinos, the zebras,the giraffes,the buffaloes,the Derby and Cap elands ,the impalas,the horse antelopes ,the warthogs ,the green and red monkeys,the hyaenas and so on . Fulfill the dream to see some of the African Big 5. See also nice birds such as : the abyssinian roller ,the red billed hornbill,the buffalo weaver ,the longtailed glossy staring and Visit the baobab graveyard with its skulls,an emblematic tree used in bygone days as cemetery.In some areas this thousand years old ,is a holy place,where people still undergo the rituals.End the tour with the crocodile pond, where you can also see monkeys and animals ,and back to the hotel.

Itinerary :

From our pick up location ,we cross the suburbia , Click a portrait of the locals dressed in their African attires and some scenes of their daily life .

Cross the African savannah dominated by the baobab .

And we arrive at Bandia ,where we will a two hours game drive safari looking for the animals . We will also see the baobab graveyard and will end the tour with the crocodiles'pond . And back to our ending location or hotel .

Included the cost :

My services as an English guide

An air conditioned vehicle to join the animals reserve

A 4 WD to tour Bandia animals reserve

Ranger fee

Entrance fee

All applicable taxes

Not included '


Minimum people for the tour : 2

Additional information

Come with your passport



Repellent against mosquitoes

Water offered


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