Gödöllő - Domonyvölgy

Язык Английский, румынский
Стоимость 260 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 часов

This combination is great for those, who would like to enjoy art, history, traditions and a great countryside lunch.

We will visit the Sisi's Royal Palace in Gödöllő, the coronation gift to the King Francis Joseph I and Queen Elisabeth of Hungary.

After that, we enjoy a wonderful time at Lazar Equestrian Park, owned by coach driving world champions. We will roam around the grounds to view farm animals (including Hungary's famous grey cattle, giant pig & screw horned sheep) and majestic horses in their stables. Then we will be taken for a horse carriage ride through the woods and grounds around the park by a Hungarian cowboy, and we visited the Lazar brothers' trophy room to see the family's prized carriages, numerous awards and videos. The highlight of the visit is the show conducted by the Csikós and their horses. The visit ends with a great Hungarian banquet, accompanied by Gypsy music. The complimentary, more than substantial delicious food, drinks, dessert and coffee/tea are served at one's table. The tour ends at your hotel.


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