A full day in Alexandria

Язык Английский, Французский, Португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 75 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 11 часов

Day tour to Alexandria 10 hours starts every day from 7 am to 18:00 pm, Private tour includes all pick up & drop off from customer location in Cairo, Entry Fees, Expert Tour guide, Lunch at Local restaurant, All Taxes Services, includes Bottle of Water and All Transfers by Private A/C Vehicles Newest Model, Tour excludes personal items, tipping and any Optional tours. Note: Alexandria Library is Closed on Friday, so you will be able to take Photos

What's included

• Hotel/port pickup and drop-off

• All Transfers by Private A/C latest Model Vehicle

• Private tour

• bottled water

• What's not included

• Entry Fees (Optional)

• Lunch (Optional)

• any Optional Tours

• Personal Items

What to expect


This is a typical itinerary for this product

Stop At: Ancient Roman Amphitheater, Ismail Mahana Road Kom El Dekka Gharb, Alexandria

starts at 7:00 am with Pickup from your hotel in either Cairo or Giza By Tour guide and transfer by Private A/C Vehicle to Alexandria where it` is 220 k/m away from Cairo. Arrive Alexandria around 10 am and start your day Tour

Duration: 1 hour

Stop At: Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa, Kom Al Shokafa, Alexandria 21599 Egypt

Then a visit to The Catacomb of Kom El-Shoqafa (Tombs on three levels, also contains the Tri-cilium where relatives used to sit on stone benches to feast the dead, a center with relieves of bearded serpents, Inside are 2nd Century AD statues of Anubis wearing Roman Armor).

Duration: 1 hour

Stop At: Pompey's Pillar,

Then visit pompys pillar, remains of ancient library of Alexandria, then the roman amphitheater, the open air museum for sunken

Duration: 1 hour

Stop At: Bibliotheca Alexandrina,

Then visit Alexandria Library New library of Alexandria the biggest library in the world now with 8 million books, site of the ancient lighthouse it's one of the seven wonders of ancient world,

Duration: 1 hour

Stop At: Fort Qaitbey, Alexandria

Visit Qaytbay Citadel .

Duration: 1 hour

Then stop for lunch in the best sea view restaurant in Alexandria Based on Full Meal for each Person, but Beverages are not included. each Person but Beverages are not included Tour Finishes with drop off at your hotel in Cairo you will be back to Cairo around 19:00 pm.


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