Vip Inclusive 3-Day Private Tour to All Pyramids and Cairo and ALEX

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 3 дня

Hit Cairo’s high spots without the haggling hassles on this convenient 3-day tour. You book your hotel; your personal Egyptologist looks after tickets, transport, and lunch. Traveling from your door, with in-vehicle Wi-Fi, spend two days soaking up Cairo’s ancient essentials: the pyramids at Giza and Saqqara, the Sphinx, the Egyptian Museum, Khan al-Khalili, the Alabaster Mosque, a dinner cruise, and a camel ride. On day three, explo


• See Cairo and Alexandria’s key sights over three days with a private guide

• Check off the Sphinx, the Giza Pyramids, the Egyptian Museum, and more

• Save time and stress with door-to-door private transfers—including Wi-Fi

• Enjoy three restaurant lunches and a dinner cruise with live entertainment

What's included

o Lunch

o Lunch

o Lunch

o Entrance fees

o Qualified Egyptologist guide

o Transport by air-conditioned


o Entry/Admission - Giza

o Entry/Admission - Saqqara (Sakkara) Pyramids

o Entry/Admission - Mit Rahina Museum

o Entry/Admission - The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities

o Entry/Admission - Coptic Cairo

o Entry/Admission - Khan Al-Khalili


o Entry/Admission - Mosque of Muhammad Ali

• What's not included

• tiping

Departure and return

Departure details

o Traveler pickup is offered.

o Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt any location in Cairo or Giza

o Hotel pickup is offered. View the hotel list on our checkout page to see if yours is included among the pickup points.

• Return details

o Returns to original departure point


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