Full-Day Accra Safari and Boat Cruise Private Guided Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 12 часов

Discover Ghana's famed natural beauty, especially if you don't have long time to spend in Ghana. This full-day tour provides an opportunity to do just that, with a walking safari and rock climbing experience.

Enjoy a peaceful and unique boat cruise on the Lake Volta, Africa's largest man made lake, and have a delicious lunch aboard cruise or on a lakeside view. Guests with night flights; arrive back in Accra before nightfall.

Meeting Point

Hotel, Airport. Meeting Point Options: Rail or Bus Station, Monument/Building, Suggested by Guide: Please give me specific location or meeting point for pick up

08:00 AM

Pick-up in Accra

Upon arrival at Kotoka International Airport, proceed through immigrations, claim luggage and clear Custom procedures, exit and meet your expert tour guide Kormi. Continue to the hotel; after check-in

11:00 AM

Accra - Shai Hills Forest Reserve - (Safari)

Visit Shai Hills Forest Reserve one of Ghana's stunning nature parks. Teeming with a diverse range of plant and animal species, you're likely to see everything from Antelopes to Baboons, Bats, Ostriches, Zebras.

03:00 PM

Shai Hills Forest Reserve - (Safari) - Royal Senchi

Visit the Royal Senchi Resort for a boat cruise over the Adomi Bridge along the Volta river before returning back to the hotel for lunch.

08:00 PM

Royal Senchi – Accra – Depart

Return to Accra

Ending Point

Hotel, Airport


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