Язык Английский
Стоимость 590 USD за экскурсию
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Длительность 3 дня

Discover the ultimate Masai Mara safari destination as you experience the greatest wildlife show on earth. Experience a safari breakfast by the hippo pool or lunch in the wilderness. Enjoy classic safari ‘sundowner’ cocktails on Lookout Hill with panoramic views across the Mara plains; or by the famous Mara River. Take dinner under the stars on the banks of the Mara River, Guided walks, and Visits to the nearby Maasai cultural center for an authentic insight into the life of a Maasai community.

Day 1

Pick at the airport or Nairobi hotel in the morning by our driver/guide and for briefing and depart for Masai Mara. Travel time to Mara will take around 5-6 hrs. Along the way, there will be a stopover at the Great Rift Valley where you can take photos of the sheer drop of the Rift Valley, as well as the nearby Suswa Ranges and Mount Longonot, then on to the lodge for lunch and afternoon game drive. Masai Mara is an ideal place to visit while in Kenya to see a unique natural reserve with an incredible number of wild animals. With Tanzania´s Serengeti, the Masai Mara makes a giant ecosystem where animals are roaming free. It is famous for having the biggest African population of lions. You have the best chance here to photograph the ‘Big-Five’ – elephants, rhinos, buffalos, lions, and leopards. Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Main Destination: Masai Mara National Reserve

Accommodation: Osero Enarau lodge

Mid-range lodge located just inside Masai Mara NR

Meals & Drinks:

Lunch & dinner (Breakfast not included)

Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

Day 2

After breakfast, you will leave for a full-day game drive in Maasai Mara National Park. This is home to over 3 million large mammals. Our experienced tour guide/ driver will take you in search of the famous Big 5 among other animals: Lion, Leopard, Buffalo, Elephant, Rhino, Hyena, Cheetah, Jackal, Warthog, Giraffe, Zebra, Antelope wildebeest, and various bird species. Picnic lunch will be served at Mara River as you witness the famous migration which takes place from July - October.

Maasai Village*

An optional visit to a Masai village can be arranged. Maasai warriors are famously known as the proud nomadic tribe whose legendary prowess in battle and single-handed acts of bravery in fights with the wild animals are known across the world. This visit gives a good tour of Maasai culture and you will be welcomed with a sing and dance presentation, which forms part of their daily lives and sacred rituals.

Main Destination: Masai Mara National Reserve Accommodation: Osero EnarauLodge

Mid-range lodge located just inside Masai Mara NR

Meals & Drinks:

All meals included

Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

Day 3

We will have an early morning game drive and return to the camp for breakfast before driving back to Nairobi. There will be a stopover in Narok town for lunch. After lunch proceeds to Nairobi. On arrival transfer you to your hotel or the airport for your flight back home.

Optional activity:

Balloon Safari: USD 400 per person

Early morning balloon safari you drift above the browsing game and have tremendous opportunities for unusual photographs. What could be more uplifting than an early morning safari in a hot air balloon flying over vast plains of Africa? Witness an African Sunrise s a plethora of wildlife roams the land beneath you. At the end of the flight.

You land on the plains in the midst of this enchanting Savanah champagne, breakfast is laid out with the aroma of sausages, eggs, and bacon sizzling over a charcoal fire. Drive leisurely Fashion with game viewing on your way back to your camp or lodge.

Main Destination: Nairobi Accommodation: No accommodation (End of tour) Meals & Drinks:

Breakfast included

Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

Additional accommodation can be arranged for an extra cost.

You'll be dropped off at the airport (or hotel).


-Park fees (For non-residents)

-All activities (Unless labeled as optional)

-All accommodation (Unless listed as upgrade)

-A professional driver/guide

-All transportation (Unless labeled as optional)

-All Taxes/VAT

-Roundtrip airport transfer

-Meals (As specified in the day-by-day section)

-Drinking water (On all days)

- complementary carnivore experience

-soft drinks in a 4x4 jeep


-International flights (From/to home)

-Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour

-Tips (Tipping guideline US$10.00 pp per day)

-Personal items (Souvenirs, travel insurance, visa fees, etc.)

-The government imposed an increase in taxes and/or park fees

-Some meals (As specified in the day-by-day section)


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