Annapurna circuit Trek

Язык Голландский, Английский
Стоимость 1325 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя 5 дней

Annapurna Circuit Trek is the most stimulating and adventurous trek in the Annapurna region. This trek presents a life-changing experience and the most captivating views of nature. From the first day of Annapurna Circuit Trekking, you will get amazed by the beauty of this region. Traversing through thrilling hillsides, tall snow-capped mountains, and dense forests, you explore the Annapurna region. Opened in 1977, Annapurna Circuit Trek is a very popular trekking trail among travel enthusiasts. The trails moves in an anti-clockwise direction. Beginning from Besishahar, you cross challenging Thorong La Pass and descends to Jomsom Valley.

Annapurna Circuit Trek 16 Days presents tropical to freezing alpine zone. In 16 days, you will not only explore the most quaint mountain villages and witness tempting views, but also get to experience distinct culture and tradition. People from many communities stay in the Annapurna region. You get to interact with them and look into their lifestyle. Along with that, you also get to see diverse vegetation and wildlife. Annapurna Circuit Trekking is a perfect blend of adventure, experience, and gateway.

Annapurna Circuit Trek is a bit challenging trek. You need to be in good health and physical fitness to go on this trek. Previous experience is needed to go on Annapurna Circuit Trek 16 Days. The trek offers tempting views of many Himalayan mountains like Annapurna range (8,091 m), Lamjung Himal (6,983 m), Pisang Peak (6,091 m), Thorong Peak (5,416 m), Mt. Fishtail (6,993 m), Mt. Nilgiri (7,061 m), etc. To know more about the package and our departure dates get in touch with us at any time. We would love to assist you.


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