Sharm el-Sheikh: Dolphin Show & Optional Swimming with Dolphins include transfers

Язык Арабский, Английский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Русский, Испанский
Стоимость 25 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 2 часа

Enjoy a dolphin show and opt to get your photo taken with the dolphins at Dolphina Park. Get round-trip hotel transfers from Sharm el-Sheikh and upgrade your entry ticket to swim with the dolphins.

Duration 1.5 hours


Pickup included

from your hotel in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Wheelchair accessible

Experience Highlights:

See a spectacular dolphin show with a professional instructor in Sharm el-Sheikh

Enhance your experience with the opportunity to swim alongside the dolphins

Marvel at the dolphins as they play in the water and get your photo taken

Be amazed as the dolphins pull off exciting leaps and maneuvers in the water

Enjoy the comfort and convenience of round-trip transportation from your hotel

Full description

Watch an incredible dolphin show and enjoy round-trip hotel transfers from Sharm el Sheikh. Enhance your entry ticket and have your photo taken with these friendly animals, or even take an optional swim with them.

After being picked up from your hotel in Sharm el Sheikh, enjoy a comfortable transfer to Dolphina Park. Be greeted by your host, who will lead you to the show.

Enjoy a captivating performance with three dolphins as they leap gracefully from the water and interact with their instructor. Take memorable photos as they frolic and play in the water.

Upgrade your ticket to get your photo taken with the dolphins or opt to join them for a swim. Create cherished memories with your family as you get to know these beloved animals in the water.

At the end of your day out, sit back and relax on a smooth return transfer to your hotel in Sharm el Sheikh.

price is 25 $ per adult

child 15 $

minimum 2 persons up to 20 person


Hotel pickup and drop-off

Transportation in an air-conditioned vehicle

Dolphin Show

Swim with dolphin (If option selected)

Photos for dolphin (If selected from the add-on


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