Chandragiri with Chitlang

Язык Английский
Стоимость 75 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 дня

Detail Itinerary

Day 1

9:30-10:30 : Drive to Chandragiri cable car Station.

10:30-11: 30: At the top of Chandrgiri.Enjoying the beautiful view of the Langtang, Ganesh, Everest and many other peak then we will visit the Bhaleshwor Mahadev temple. We can also see the statue of the Prithivi Narayan Shah planning to capture Kathmandu valley with his warrior.

11:30: We hike downwards to reach Chitlang village. We walk around 3 hrs. Following the steps from Chandragiri.We will reach Chitlang around 2:30

02:30 Check in to Resort. Warm welcome by the representative.

07.00: Good music with Camp fire. Overnight at Resort

08.00: Dinner

Day 2:

07.30: Breakfast in Resort

08.30: Local tour (Goat cheese factory, Saat Dhara & Manjgaun.)

11.00: Lunch .After lunch we hike to Kulekhani.The trail is simple as its takes around 2 hrs. to reach Kulekhani.

01.00: Boating in Markhu with beautiful view

02.00: Drive back to Kathmnadu

Package inclusion

• Transportation.

• Accommodation in Tent.

• Chandragiri tickets

• Guide

• All meal

• Music with Camp fire

• Boating in Markhu


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