Язык Английский
Стоимость 209 USD за экскурсию
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An easy but adventurous tour to cross Oman from north to south : from the lush green Wadis to Empty Quarter's giant dunes, from Eastern Hajar's arid mountains to the ones of Dhofar blessed with monsoon rains, and more than 1000km wild coast!


Level 2


Sea, Desert, Wadi, Mountain


Accomodation :

X 10 X 5


muscat - Tiwi

Walk and unforgettable swim in Wadi Shab

We start fromMuscatvisiting sink hole and then drive along cost line till we will arrive in wadi shab the most beautiful and start hiking in the wadi. After 45 minutes or 1 hour walk in this beautiful wadi we'll go to the water : we swim from pool to pool to discover a incredible place. But we don't tell you more about this, since it has to be a surprise!. After when we enjoy the hiking throw the wadi we will get back to the ,and than we will drive to sur visiting sur town ( Dhow factory ) . and than drive to Rus Ajinz overnight camping on the beach (enjoy BBQ for dinner )

- Level 1

- Approximative length : 3 hours

- Walking time : 1 a 2 hours

Bivouac on the beach

We set up our camp in one of the numerous Rus ALjinz i. We sleep hearing the sound of the waves…

Individual camping tent


Sur - Bidah

Hiking and swimming in the lower part of Wadi Bani Khalid

The lower part of this valley forms a narrow and wild canyon. We start from the lovely village of Bidah and cross its palm garden to access the entrance of the canyon. We hike in the canyon between big boulders (the way is not very easy but doesn't last long) until we arrive to a splendid pool with waterfall. We have rest here and enjoy the swimming in this secluded place. For those who like jumping, a very nice 10 meters ump is possible there…

- Level 2

- Approximative length : 3 heures

- Walking time : 1 a 2 heures

- Our Camp in Wahiba sands

Sunset in the dunes

We start a walk across the dunes in late afternoon. The heat isn't too strong anymore and the sunlight is the more beautiful. The setting sun always gives changing colour to the sand and the shades. This a great unforgetable time.

- Level 1

- Approximative length : 1 hours

Camping in the desert

A very nice camp which lays the middle of the sand dunes, in a quiet and wild area. There is no electricity, which makes this camp more authentic. Tea, coffee, water and soft drinks are complimentary. There are also some nice lounges where you can relax and smoke sheesha.

Arabic Tent with private bathroom

Arabic tent nicely equiped as an hotel room : bed, carpets, tabe, chairs. Private bathroom.. Petit-dejeuner et diner pris a l'hotel


Wahiba sands crossing to - khaluf (village at the foot of the dunes and on seashore)

It's a wonderful crossing of the Wahiba sands.The track is often easy to follow but the wind brings sometimes sand that covers it. We head first to the south and then south-east. The northern part of this desert is made of almost paralell high dunes. On our way we will visit badwien house were will have Omani coffee and dates ..

Qihayd (village at the foot of the dunes and on seashore) - Khaluf's Desert, between rocks and sand

Sunset White sand desert which is called (sugar sand )

We walk up a small plateau next to our camp. On the one side we perceive the white desert which we will cross the day after. On the other side, the sun sets on rocky hills.We spend a nice relaxing day on the beach bewteen the indian ocean and the white sand dunes : swimming in the indian Ocean, walk along the beach to see birds, and unbelievable walk across the white sand dunes...

- Level 1

- Approximative length : 2 heures

- Walking time : 1 a 2 heures

Bivouac Desert

We set up our camp in the first dunes of the white desert, just 50 meters from the sea. This place is magical and unusual : on one side we have pure white dunes, whereas on the other side we have the Indian Ocean…


Khaluf - Madrakah

We start walking along the coast to reach the wild cape of Ras Madrakah. We first walk down a wonderful bowl along white limestone cliffs. We then walk on the beach (we can here have a nice swim in the Indian Ocean) until we reach small plateaux where we can camp.

- Level 2

- Approximative length : 4 hours

- Elevation gain/loss : +0m/-200m

Bivouac on the beach near Ras Madrakah

We set up our camp on this wild coast, on a sandy white beach, surrounded by black rocks et bordered by the Indian Ocean…

Individual camping tent


Walk to the cape

We start our walk on the beach. The rocks change quickly : we leave the white limestone and enter the ophiolites, the rocks of the oceanic crust that are only visible in such quantity in Oman. They take a black polish and are sharply erroded. Between these back hills, the white sandy beaches bring a wonderful contrast...

- Level 2

- Approximative length : 2 heures

- Elevation gain/loss : +50m/-50m

- Walking time : 1 a 2 heures

Transfer Madrakah - Shuwaymiyah

Short walk above Shuwaymiyah

We have a walk on the cliffs overlooking the wide bay of Shuwaymiyah

- Level 2

- Approximative length : 1 heures

- Walking time : 1 a 1 heures

Bivouac on the beach

We set up our camp on the wonderfull beach of Shuwimiyah

Individual camping tent


Shuwaymiyah - Mirbat

Bivouac on the beach between Hasi and Mirbat

Individual camping tent


Visit of Mirbat and Bin Ali Tomb

As we arrive in Mibat, we stop to have a ook at the tom of Muhamed Bin Ali Al Alawi, descendant of Ali, son-in-law of the prophet Muhamed. He came from Yemen opened a cornic school in Mirbat in the 12th century. We'll then have a round in the nice village of Mirbat

- Approximative length : 1 heures

Mirbat - Jebel Samhan- Wadi Darbat - Khor Ruri-salalah

Stop on the top of Jebel Samhan

We stop on the top of Jebel Samhan from where we have wonderful point of view over Mirbat and the Indian Ocean. We also have a look at the dragon's blood trees, these very special trees which are plenty on Socotra Island. Jebel Samhan is also believed to be the only place in Oman where the Arabian Leopard still lives...

Wadi Darbat is one of the most famous wadis in Oman. During Khareef (between july and september, the monsoon time) it is a of the favourite place of omani tourists who come here to enjoy the greenry and nice river. We''ll hike up the valley.

Khor Ruri Wadi Darbat's estuary. Seabirds are numerous there. Above the estuary are the ruins of Sumhuram, that was an importanat port during the Antiquity. It was located at the far east of the kingdom of Hadramaut, zone of production of frankincense, resin taken from a tree that was once more valued than gold.

Salalah Beach Villas

We spend the night in this nice hotel. The hotel is located in Al Dhariz, facing the sea, and has a swimming pool

Sea View Room

Comfortable room with A/C, fridge, and private bathroom. Petit-dejeuner pris a l'hotel

Day 8

salalah Food Souq

Salalah food souq is worth a visit : it is very lively! We find there wondeful fishes, meat, vegetable, fruits, dates, and traditional medicines...

Discover the fruits stalls of Salalah

Salalah is a modern city but still having many agricultural fields in the middle of the city. On the streets there are numerous salls selling the fruits produced here : coconuts, banana, papayas, sugar cane, etc...

- Approximative length : 1 heures

Visit of Al Baleed Archeological Site

This archeological site lies in the city of salalah, facing the sea. This city was previously known as Dhofar (which is now the name of the region). The area was inhabited since since 4000 years BC, but the remainings date from the 10th century AD. Its position made it an important port in the region. Next to the site is a museum with a hall about history and another about boats.

- Approximative length : 1 heures

Visit of Souq Al Husn

Al Husn Souq is Salalah popular market. It is above all famous for the sale of silver, gold, frankincense, and perfumes.

- Approximative length : 2 heures

Salalah Beach Villas

We spend the night in this nice hotel. The hotel is located in Al Dhariz, facing the sea, and has a swimming pool

Sea View Room

Comfortable room with A/C, fridge, and private bathroom. Petit-dejeuner pris a l'hotel

Day 9

Transfer Salalah - Thumrayt

Transfer Thumrayt - Shisr (Ubar)

Visit of Ubar ruins in Shishr

We stop on the way to visit the ruins of what is believed to be Ubar, this mytical city located 'between Hadramaut and the trees of Oman'. This city was partly detroyed when a subterranean cavity coallapsed to form a sinkhole. The main tower and traces of fortifications remain visible. We'll visit them as well as a smal museum about how the site was discovered.

- Approximative length : 1 heures

Transfer Shisr (Ubar) - Our Camp in Rub Al khali

Short walk in the sands to sea the sunset

We go have a walk across the high dune of the Rub Al Khali (Empty quarter in arabic), the huge and arid desert of Saudi Arabia that crosses Oman's border. We'll walk up a dune to see sunset in this unbelievable landascpe…

- Level 2

- Approximative length : 1 heures

- Elevation gain/loss : +150m/-150m

- Walking time : 1 a 2 hour

bivouac in the Empty Quarter

We set our camp at the foot of the huge dunes of the Rub Al Khali

Individual camping tent

DAY 10

Hiking in Rub al Khali

Morning, we start walking from our camp. We climb several high dunes which surround us : the ascent is sometimes exhaiusting, but the descent is quick and fun and gives us sometimes the opportunity to have the dune sing. Around noon, we walk back to our our camp and have lunch and rest under a shady place. Late afternoon, we climb another huge dune to get to its summit and enjoy a wonderful sunset at the top.

- Level 3

- Approximative length : 6 heures

- Elevation gain/loss : +150m/-150m

- Walking time : 1.2 hours

bivouac in the Empty Quarter

We set our camp at the foot of the huge dunes of the Rub Al Khali

Individual camping tent

DAY 11

Crossing Rub al Khali

Morning, we start cross from our camp. We climb several high dunes which surround us : the ascent is sometimes exhaiusting, but the descent is quick and fun and gives us sometimes the opportunity to have the dune sing. Around noon, we walk back to our our camp and have lunch and rest under a shady place. Late afternoon, we climb another huge dune to get to its summit and enjoy a wonderful sunset at the top.

- Level 3

- Elevation gain/loss : +150m/-150m

- Walking time : 1 hours

bivouac in the Empty Quarter

We set our camp at the foot of the huge dunes of the Rub Al Khali

Individual camping tent

Day 12

Drive to salalah drop off to the airport …

End of services


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