Machupicchu-cusco-Ica-Nasca Lines-Ballestas Islands-Lima-Arequipa.

Язык Английский, Португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 2500 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя 3 дня

This is the journey for those travelers who wants to discover and enjoy the best attractions of Peru like Lima the City of the Kings- Ica- Buggies and sand boarding in the Oasis of the Huacachina-Paracas and the Ballestas islands-Nasca and the Nasca Lines-Arequipa de Colca Canyon-Puno TitiCaca lake the deepest Lake of the world and the best city of Peru Cusco-Sacred Valley-Machupicchu-Raimbow Mountain-Cusco City. our journey will start in lima or any port due to the tour will be private with our privete car. this journey we call the Sun route and the coast route we will stay each night in hotels in most of the cities, each day will drive from 3 hours most days and two days of 6 hours maximum. I've doing this journeys for more than 8 years and now a days is getting more popular due to these places are the best places of Peru is better to do in car then take planes because most of these places doesnt have an airport. the roads are very well paved so very save to drive, I % 100 GUARANTEED YOUR VACATIONS with me. I am super Flexible and able to customize your tour according your needs and plans. Feel free to as kif you have questions and/or doubts, it Will be a pleasure to assist you.


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