Highlights of Goa - full day shore excursion

Язык Английский, Хинди, Marathi (Marāṭhī)
Стоимость 19500 INR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 часов

With this tour I will have the pleasure to show you the highlights of my city in the way that only a friendly local guide can do.

One of the city's most popular sights is Fountanhas, a residential area in the old city. It was declared as UNESCO world heritage site. Today, many of the buildings are converted in hotels, villas, art galleries, cafés. A very nice area to discover together!

Dona Pula hill station, 360 degree view, is one of the best places to have a full overview of the area. Just some steps to climb to get a great scenario!

I will bring you to the Spice plantation surrounded by nature, where you will have also the opportunity to see some elephants, and a small river. You can take a local guided tour to learn about the different plantations during a pleasant walk.

I will make sure that you will get the best experience to let you go with pleasant memories!

*Best time to visit here is from October to May to avoid the monsoon season (June to September)


- Pick up at your accommodation or at the port.

- We drive to the Fontainhas heritage trail - 45 mins from city centre. Flexible time to spend here (30 min to 1 hour).

- We go then to Dona Paula jetty (about 10 mins driving), a fishing village from where, climbing about 30 steps, you can enjoy a 360* view. 30 mins is enough also to take some pics.

- Our next stop is the main Cathedral (15 mins drive). We can visit it for up to 1 hour. There is also the archeological museum to be visited here (optional).

- We move then to the Spice plantation (15 mins drive). There are local guides on site so you can take a tour (optional). The ticket for the visit include a meal so it is a good chance to taste local food.

*If you want to skip the tour to the plantation, we can still have lunch in the area, where local food freshly cooked is served. We can spend here between 1 or 2 hours.

- At the end, we go back to your accommodation or ship.

The tour can be customisable.


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