Chorao and Divar Island - half day shore excursion from Panaji

Язык Английский, Хинди, Marathi (Marāṭhī)
Стоимость 18000 INR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 часов

This tour is a great way to get away from the city and have a nice break into the nature.

Chorao is a small island reachable by ferry, well known for the Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, where to see local fauna. By boat, it is possible to have a small tour and spot the birds.

We visit also Divar Island, see Sao Mathias church (built by the Portuguese over 400 years ago) and enjoy the view of very picturesque places.

In Old Goa, we go to visit the World heritage site with the beautiful Basilica Bom Jesus.

If you want to visit the Spice plantation, we can stop there for a guided tour which includes a local lunch.

Do not miss the opportunity to explore these island with a local expert. I will make sure you make the most of this day and bring with you great memories!


- Early morning departure (7 am suggested)

- Drive to a port in Old Goa (about 40 min. drive) and take the ferry (with the car included) to get to the Chorao Island - 15 min. boat ride.

- Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary visit by boat - about 1 hour and 30 min.

- Drive to Divar island and visit to the local small church - 15 min.

- Take the ferry back to Old Goa

- Visit the heritage historical site where there is also the Basilica Bom Jesus - up to 1 hour

- Back to your accommodation or optional stop to the Spice plantation for a visit.

The tour is customisable.


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