Bela Krajina

Язык Английский, Немецкий, хорватский
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Taste some good wines and delicious food in south east part of Slovenia, named Bela krajina, the land of white birches.

Bela krajina, the land on the sunny side of the mythical Gorjanci, will surprise you with its variety of natural and cultural heritage. Its name comes from the slender white birch and white linen clothes that the people of Belokranje once wore. Almost 600 km2 of the karst plain is embraced on the southern side by the warmest Slovenian river Kolpa, which invites you to swim, boat or hike along its banks. In 2010, the Kolpa River became the holder of the prestigious title European Destination of Excellence.

Rest your eyes on the bedding. This cultural landscape is formed by the symbiosis of white birches with litter, eagle fern. Another attractive element in the nature of Bela Krajina are the vineyards, which are cultivated by the hardworking hands of Bela Krajina and produce top quality wines from ripe grapes.

The black-white-red Belokranj Easter eggs represent one of the pinnacle of handicraft skills, which you can also learn here. Those who still preserve the tradition of weaving linen say that they work with linen year round.


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