Arusha National Park day tour from Arusha City

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Испанский
Стоимость 170 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 11 часов

This wonderful day tour shall take you to Arusha National Park where you will witness various

wildlife species. Arusha National park is among the national parks in the northern region of

Tanzania, the park is situated approximately 32km from Arusha city which makes it a perfect

option for a day tour. The tour is truly oriented toward clients who have limited time in

Tanzania but with a desire to visit some of the tourist destinations in the country. During the

tour, you will be escorted by a professional and certified tour guide who shall ensure that you

understand almost every tourist attraction that you witness along the way. We have a fleet of

well-maintained 4x4 safari cars that are equipped with the basic amenities such as an AC,

cooler or fridge, and a powerful charging system to ensure that our clients are comfortable

during the journey. This tour is fully customizable- should you want more activities, destinations

or days to be added to this trip; we will make the necessary adjustments to fulfill your needs.

This wonderful tour is expected to start and end in Arusha

Early in the morning, at around 6 am, our humble tour guide will visit your hotel in Arusha.

Upon meeting, you will be briefed about the entire trip and what to expect. Afterward, you

will be driven to Arusha National Park. You are likely to spend around 1 hour and 30 minutes

during your journey to the Park. Upon arrival at Arusha National Park, you will be driven to the

park entrance where you will fulfill the park entrance procedures and later, you will start

driving through designated routes while looking out for several wildlife species. The park hosts

several species of wildlife which include buffaloes, warthogs, zebras, waterbucks, giraffes,

leopards, lions, elephants, spotted hyenas, and many more. Witnessing these wonderful

creatures in their natural habitat is a lifetime experience. You will be able to take as many photos

as possible to document your entire journey. Arusha National park is also blessed with beautiful

waterholes and different natural attractions which makes sightseeing very interesting. If you

want to take a hike within the park, the necessary arrangements shall be done to fulfill your

desires. Lunch shall be served at lunchtime.

The entire trip is expected to end by 5 pm and later, you will be driven back to Arusha with

many remarkable wild memories.

The tour includes:

Meals, transportation, tour guide, bottled mineral water

The tour excludes:

Accommodation before and after the tour, transportation before and after the tour, air ticket, travel insurance, tipping.


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