1 day - Lake Manyara National Park day Tour

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Испанский
Стоимость 195 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 11 часов

This day trip will take you to Lake Manyara National park, one of the unique national parks in Africa. During the visit to the Park, it is likely that you will spot tree-climbing lions. LakeManyara National Park was named after Lake Manyara which flows through the park.

The lake provides water to the park’s habitats. This amazing tour is conducted by an experienced and certified tour guide who will ensure that you learn and witness several species as possible. In addition, we have a fleet of comfortable and well-maintained 4x4 safari cars where each passenger has access to the window seat which ensures that the clients can have the best sightseeing opportunities.

Although this is a day trip, we are flexible enough to listen to the

demands of our clients; should you want to extend this trip to include more days; we shall

surely listen and implement your plan.

Early in the morning, our tour guide will come to your hotel or residence in Arusha where you will be picked up and driven to Lake Manyara National Park. The park is among the nearest parks to Arusha. The entire journey is expected to last for approximately 2 hours and 30minutes. Upon arrival in Lake Manyara, you will fulfill the park entrance requirements and later start the game drive until evening hours. Lake Manyara National Park has a rich ecosystem that supports a wide range of wildlife species. Some of the wildlife species to expect to include cape buffaloes, baboon, warthog, African bush elephants, plain zebras, bushbuck, waterbucks, lion, leopard, spotted hyenas, cheetahs, Jackal, impala, bat-eared fox, serval, and many more. The highlight of the trip is spotting the tree-climbing lions. These lions are always seen on tree

branches. The reason for their climbing still remains a mystery- several people have suggested many theories which include climbing to avoid insect bites and others.

By evening, you will surely have various wildlife memories. Later, you will be driven back to Arusha to mark the end of this wonderful day trip to Lake Manyara

The tour includes:

Meals, transportation, tour guide, bottled mineral water

The tour excludes:

Accommodation, before and after the tour, air ticket, travel insurance, tipping.


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