Nar Phu Treks

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1500 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 2 недели

Nar Phu Valley Trek is a real Himalayan wilderness experience that is as unforgettable as it is spectacular and dramatic. The trek quickly diverges from routes with more foot traffic and into the remote Nar & Phu valleys. Passing colorful Himalayan Tibetan Buddhist Stupas, prayer stones, and spectacular mountain views as you trek the canyons, especially the canyon to Phu. As you do the trek, the canyons open up to incredible mountain views as you walk ancient trails that are still the main transportation between these ancient villages and modern civilization. You will get the chance to hang out with villagers in Phu while they go about their daily activities, as well as spend a night in the Nar Phedi monastery. These are ideal ways to learn about life deep in the Himalayan of Nepal The treks take you over the high Kang La Pass 5360m, and then down again to Ngawal, a popular stop on the main Annapurna Circuit route.

Nar Phu is between the more visited Annapurna and Manaslu regions. It is a true hidden gem that offers trekkers a rare opportunity to explore unspoiled valleys that feature a mix of raw Himalayan nature and ancient Buddhist culture. The region is itself dramatic and known as a Beyul.

You can do either only Nar Phu valley treks for 12 days or Tsum valley-Manaslu circuit treks- Nar Phu treks- Annapurna circuit treks for long traveling if you have time


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