Chefchaouen 3-days trip

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 490 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 3 дня


Experience a 3-day tour from Marrakech to Chefchaouen: Discover Fez, the most traditional city in Morocco, and the magic hidden in the narrow streets of the blue city Chefchaouen with a stop by the capital Rabat and Casablanca.



• Cross the Atlas Mountains towards Fez

• Visit the souks and shops of the ancient Fez

• Explore the whitewashed streets of Chefchaouen

• Admire the capital of Morocco Rabat

•Discover the majestic Hassan II mosque in Casablanca

⬇️⬇️ Full description ⬇️⬇️

Day 1: Marrakech – Béni Mellal – Azrou - Ifran – Fez

Depart Marrakech and cross the Atlas Mountains, in a green environment populated by baboon monkeys. Surrounded by colorful fields and hills, the road leads to the dam of Beni Mellal. Stop to make beautiful photos in the cedar forest, then drive to one of the world’s cleanest and most fascinating cities, Ifrane, known in Morocco as “Little Switzerland.” Explore a quick city tour around Fez.

Day 2: Fez – Chefchaouen

Following breakfast at your hotel, get ready to continue your visit by the labyrinthine streets of Fez and explore the oldest medina of Morocco built in the 7th century with its Souks, palaces, mosques, Koranic schools, and Mellah. Travel through the mountains of Rif to the beautiful Berber city of Chefchaouen. Accompanied by your guide, spend your time exploring the whitewashed streets of Chaouen, animated by the beautifully dressed locals.

Day 3: Chefchaouen – Rabat – Casablanca - Marrakech

Head to Rabat to explore the capital of Morocco and the residence of the king. Visit the Hassan Tower with its mausoleum of King Mohammed V. Then it’s on to Casablanca for a visit to the majestic Hassan II mosque, the largest mosque in the world.

Includes: 😍

✅ Pickup and drop-off

✅ Transportation by an air-conditioned new vehicle with a professional driver

✅ 2 nights’ accommodation in a comfortable hotel with breakfast and dinner

✅ Local guide city tour in Fez, Rabat, and Casablanca

✅ Quality service

❌ Drinks

❌ Lunch

❌ Monuments fees

❌ Personal expenses


📥 Important information 📥

What to bring❓

• Comfortable shoes

• Sunglasses

• Sun hat

• Camera

• Comfortable clothes

Not allowed❗️

• Pets

⚠️ Know before you go ⚠️

Please prepare for this adventure in Morocco, bring sun lotion, sunglasses and sun hat, especially in Summer Time.


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