3 Days Buffalo Springs/Samburu National Reserve Safari

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Испанский
Стоимость 620 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 дня

The twin sister of Samburu National Reserve, which sits on the opposite, northern side of the river, Buffalo Springs has a wide variety of animals, including lots of elephants, but surprisingly few safari-goers, which helps make it a joy to explore.

Day 1: Nairobi - Samburu

7:00 AM: Leave Nairobi Hotel or Airport and drive towards Samburu with several washroom stops along the way. One notable stop will be at Nanyuki Town where the Equator crosses.

12:00 PM: Arrive at Buffalos springs and drive towards Samburu Simba Lodge

12:30 PM Arrival

1:00 to 4:00 PM: Lunch and relaxation. Samburu area is usually very hot. Its practically impossible to go for game drives in the afternoons. As we wait for the sun to settle down we can enjoy warm waters of the cascading pool that overlooks the park.

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Head out for game drives. We concentrate on looking for Samburu special five, which comprises Beisa Oryx, Somali ostrich, Reticulated Giraffe, Gravy's Zebras, and Gerenuk species only found here (Parks North of Equator).

6:30 PM: Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight

Day 2: Samburu

6:00 AM: Wake up for the pre-breakfast game drive. This is the perfect time for game drives. Animals tend to be more active at this time. Watch out for leopards, lions, elephants, and more.

8:00 AM: Return for breakfast

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Relax & Swimming

12:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Lunch and more game drives

6:30 PM: Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight

Day 3: Samburu - Nairobi

7:00 AM: Wake up for breakfast and prepare to check out.

9:00 AM: Embark on final game drive en route to Nairobi

12:00 PM: Lunch stop in Nanyuki Lunch at own cost).

4:00 PM: Arrive in Nairobi. You will be dropped at the Airport or Hotel.

End of our 3 Days Samburu Safari


-Transport on 4x4 safari van with pop up roof for game viewing

- Services of a certified driver guide

- Game drives

- Accommodation on Full Board at Samburu Simba Lodge or similar

- Meals on Full Board

- Drinking water while onboard safari vehicle

- Park fees


- Tipping

- Anything not included


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