Full day Private Johannesburg, Soweto and Apartheid Museum tour Museum tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 2640 ZAR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

We promise outstanding cultural travel experiences for people.

Experience the rich cultural heritage of South Africa's townships on a day trip. Meet friendly locals, learn about the city's vibrant historic past, and immerse yourself in the colorful atmosphere of these fascinating communities.

South Africa is a vibrant melting pot of cultures, traditions, and experiences. This diverse nation offers a unique cultural landscape. You will indulge in traditional culinary delights, and witness the energy of music and dance. You will discover a land of contrasts and encounters that will leave you inspired and enriched. Our experienced guides will lead you on this journey of discovery, introducing you to diverse communities. We invite you to join us for an enriching adventure and expand your horizons.


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