Taj Mahal Trip Same Day From Delhi

Язык Английский, Хинди
Стоимость 195 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 12 часов

OVERVIEW (SHORT DESCRIPTION) Discover the Mughal splendour and historical sites from Delhi. Explore “Sikandra”, for the tomb of Akbar the Great, visit Agra's red fort. These outstanding sandstone and marble tomb commemorate the mightiest of the Mughal emperors. Conclude the tour with a visit to Majestic “Taj Mahal”.


We shall provide the pick-up from your hotel in Delhi and taken to the below attractions in Agra:

1. Tomb of Akbar the great: “Sikandra Mausoleum”. The huge courtyard is entered through a stunning gateway. It has three-storey minarets at each corner and is built of red sandstone strikingly inlaid with white-marble geometric patterns. The mausoleum is at sikandra, 10Km NW of Agra Fort. Construction of this aesthetic monument was planned and started by Akbar himself. But Akbar died before his mausoleum could be completed and his son Jahangir completed it. The mausoleum is surrounded by a beautiful garden, providing a tranquil ambience to the last abode of this great ruler. The British had introduced a few antelopes into this enclosure. This herd has thrived in this enclosure and now there are probably about 50-60 of them along with a few peacocks.

2. Agra Fort: Later you are going to visit Agra's Red fort, an world heritage site in Agra also known for its Mughal war history and other stories.

3. Taj Mahal: End the day with a visit to the top wonder of the world “Taj Mahal” To conclude, you will be driven back to your hotel/airport/railway station in Delhi.

DURATION: 12 Hours


- Private chauffeur driven Van/Car

- All local Taxes

- Local monument guide at Taj Mahal only


- Any meals

- Any monument entry fees, which usually cost USD 39 for whole Agra city


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