Neemrana Fort Day Visit with Lunch From Delhi

Язык Английский, Хинди
Стоимость 179 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Tour from Delhi to fascinating fort at Neemrana, conveniently located just a couple of hours' drive from Delhi. This ancient fort has been turned into a breathtaking heritage hotel, enjoy your visit with a solemn lunch inside the fort only!

Morning we provide pickup from your hotel / residence from the Delhi city center areas in the morning. Get driven to Neemrana, its an approx 03 hours drive from Delhi. Arrive in Neemrana and along with the driver, take a short walk through the village lanes. Witness the traditional houses and village life. Soon you will reach a breathtaking nine-storey stepwell that was said to be built for bathing purposes of the royal ladies from the fort. After enjoying the stroll, now time to climb up to the Fort. This magnificent Fort Palace is constructed in 14 tiers. Keep exploring the premises of this historic and immense palace (some areas are reserved for the overnight staying guests only). Now savour the delicious lunch at the forts restaurant (on fixed menu basis & beverage excluded). After the funfilled tour, time to get driven back to Delhi and we drop you at the hotel OR the residence in the delhi city center areas.


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