Thrilling Corbet Tiger Reserve From Delhi

Язык Английский, Хинди
Стоимость 550 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 дня

This Thrilling escape by me to the "Corbett Tiger Reserve has all the ingredients that can thrill and make people enjoy their journey. Our hassle free Itinerary, comfortable accomodation options, and the top attractions very much ensures a memorable tour. The Safari and Jungle exploration in the park is done in an open four wheeler Jeep. This breathtaking reserve is the origin of the conservation of most endangered and rare species and the identity of India called Royal bengal Tigers.

Day 01: Delhi to Jim Corbett National Park (260 km / 6hrs Approx.)- Pick up from your hotel in Delhi. And get driven to Corbett, It would be a 5-6 hour drive to the Ramnagar entry in Uttrakhand. Upon arrival, you will check in to the hotel. Entire afternoon and evening will be at your leisure. Explore the beautiful green surroundings. Dinner and overnight at the hotel .

Day 2: Jim Corbett National Park - Jungle Safari- Later return drive of 5 hours to Delhi. Early morning enjoy a jungle safari into the woods which is a treat for the nature lovers as well as wildlife enthusiasts. After having a thrilling and lovely day altogether, head back to the Delhi in our chauffeur driven car to board the flight for onward journey at Delhi..


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