Atlas Mountains & Agafay Desert with Camel Ride Day Trip from Marrakech

Язык Арабский, Голландский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 79 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 7 часов


Visit the Atlas Mountains to discover enchanting waterfalls and charming villages

Learn about the Berber culture and its traditions from a local guide

See how the famous argan oil is made in a women-managed co-operative

Enjoy a traditional Moroccan meal on a rooftop overlooking the Imlil valley

Take in panoramic views of the Kik Plateau and the tranquil Agafay Desert

↔Full description↔

Gain a deeper understanding of Berber culture as you embark on an unforgettable guided scenic day trip to the Atlas Mountains. Encounter enchanting countryside, get the chance to take a ride on a camel or horse, and meet locals in the villages of the Imlil Valley.

Start your day with pickup and meet your friendly local guide, who lives in one of the surrounding Berber villages. During your journey to the Atlas Mountains region, your guide will tell you about the rich culture and heritage of the Berber people as you hike between villages.

Arrive in Tahnaout and visit a women-managed argan oil co-operative. Discover how the argan nut is pressed to make the famed argan oil products of Morocco.

Receive a warm welcome in Imlil with a glass of mint tea before traveling past stunning waterfalls and small Berber settlements. Pause in Targa imoula to take in the views of ancient irrigated terraced fields, surrounded by cherry and walnut trees.

Feast on a traditional Moroccan meal in Mazzik at the home of a Berber family. Relax with scenic valley views from a sun-bathed rooftop terrace.

After some rest, board your vehicle and travel through the scenic Kik Plateau, with spectacular 360-degree views. Gaze in awe at the magnificent High Atlas Mountains as you pass through stone desert, barren light brown plateaus, oases, and rolling hills.

Enjoy the serene surroundings of the Agafay Desert where you can take an optional camel or horse ride. Or, simply relax with some Moroccan mint tea for the perfect end to your day, before heading back to Marrakech.


• Pickup and drop-off service

• Bilingual guide

• Traditional lunch

• Mint tea, coffee, and water

• Snacks

• Camel or horse ride (if option selected)

• Mule ride (optional)

↔Not suitable for↔

> Children under 2 years

> Pregnant women

> People with mobility impairments

↪↪Important information↩↩

↘↘What to bring

. Comfortable shoes

. Sunglasses

. Sun hat

. Sunscreen

. Weather-appropriate clothing

↘↘Know before you go

▪ Special dietary restrictions will be accommodated as best as possible

▪ Be sure to select the option including a camel ride if you want to experience this activity

▪ The market is only on open on Saturdays and Tuesdays

▪ For the comfort of the tour participants, the order of the itinerary might be changed on the day of your tour to

ensure that not all tour groups turn up to the same location at same time

▪ The tour involves walking on uneven ground, uphill and downhill.


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