Luxury Dinner Under the Stars in Agafay Desert with Camel Ride

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский, Urdu
Стоимость 60 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 часов


▪ Enjoy an unforgettable dining experience

▪ Taste traditional Moroccan cuisine

▪ Watch the sunset over the desert

▪Try the Camel ride experience

▪Enjoy an excellent dinner under the stars of agafay desert.

↪Full description↩

Be picked up from your hotel in a private car and drive towards Agafay Desert Camp for a unique dining experience.

After the pick up your driver guide will take you to visit one of the Berber cooperatives of Argan oil for a quack picnic which is testing of Argan oil olive oil and mint tea with bread.

Watch the sunset over the desert on the Camel ride and experience true Arabian hospitality. Experience traditional Moroccan cuisine under a starry sky. Dine in a nomad tent around the campfire. Hear the unforgettable sound of desert's silence.

Enjoy welcome tea and pastries. Sit down for a dinner of Harira (traditional soup), salad, beef and chicken tagine, and seasonal fresh fruits with tea. After a special evening, you will be transferred back to your accommodation in Marrakesh.


▪Hotel pickup and drop-off

▪Sunset experience

▪Dinner at the camp

▪Soft drinks and mineral water

▪Tea and Moroccan pastries

▪Birthday cake (ID must be shown)

▪Exclusive surprise


▪Alcoholic drinks

↪Important information↩

↘What to bring

• Sports shoes

↘Not allowed

• Oversize luggage

• Luggage or large bags

↪Know before you go↩

- This tour lasts between 4 and 5 hours.

- This tour can accommodate as many people as you'd like.

- Pickup will be in a shuttle bus during high season

↪Free cancellation↩

↘Cancel up to 24 hours in advance to receive a full refund

↪Covid-19 precautions↩

↘Special health and safety measures are in place. Check your activity voucher once you book for full details.

Reserve now & pay later

Keep your travel plans flexible—book your spot and pay nothing today. Learn more

↪Duration 4 hours↩

↘Check availability to see starting times.


↘English, French, Arabic


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