Full-Day Islamabad Sightseeing Tour

Язык Английский, Panjabi, Punjabi, Пушту, Urdu
Стоимость 85 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Serving as the capital of Pakistan since the sixties, Islamabad was built according to a carefully organized plan, divided into sectors along a grid of clean, tree-lined streets. The city is sheltered by the Margalla Hills, the foothills of the Himalayas. Explore this exquisitely planned city on this day-long tour. Visit Faisal Mosque, Saidpur village, and more!

Pick-up from your residence/ hotel in Islamabad at 8.30 AM.

Visit Faisal Mosque, the largest Mosque in Pakistan.

Move to Sakarparyian and enjoy a beautiful and amazing view of the city from there.

Continue to Lok Virsa, a cultural activity museum.

Shop at Centaurus Mall Islamabad which has the largest collection of international and local brands in Pakistan.

Explore Saidpur village and learn about their local life.

Drop off at your desired location.

What's Included

Full-day AC car with fuel

All parking and entrance fees

Tea/ soft drinks

English-speaking Islamabad tour guide

Toll taxes

What's Excluded


Personal expenses


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