A day or multi days on Bruny Island

Язык Английский
Стоимость 750 AUD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 9 часов

Come spend the day on Bruny Island with a local.

Yes this is my back yard, I have a great connection with Bruny Island and an extensive network of friends that allow us to gain exclusive access.

Its an early start, 7am, heading over by ferry and making our way down southern, passing oyster farms, cheese factories and sensational island coastline.

We will go in search for the white wallaby, there is bushwalking options, cape Bruny Lighthouse and a winery or Pub lunch.

This is a big day or many days that you will remember for a long time. A locals touch on a special Tasmanian Place, join me this is a well balanced Tasmanian experience.

Returning back to Hobart accommodation around 530pm.

Minimum 2 guests, maximum 11.


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