At Naples Art & Local Food with Panoramic cable car

Язык Английский
Стоимость 25 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Welcome at meeting point in Naples under the big clock near Metro Line one Piazza Dante Stop at 10 am in the morning only.

Please wear comfortable shoes.Enjoy by panoramic cable car ticket 1euro30cents only.

Arriving at breathless panoramic view streets in few minutes having fun on the breathless and highest point in Naples!

Explore with few steps in the past by the Baroque Certosa witness of the triumph art in Naples. (Ticket 6 euros & for over 65s & under 18s only 2 euros).

Let's Have fun taking photo shooting enjoyng the part of the Gulf of Naples from a breathtaking point of view in front of the great Vesuvius volcano & Ischia Capri UNTIL. Sorrento-coast. .

Optional internal visit in Baroque Wonders on breathless panoramiic views .

After the optional visit to the museum of baroque wonders on a breathtaking panorama we walk down many stairs through the typical small streets of Naples from the 1700s. We Will arrive at the noisy but colorful folk districts of Naples!

Explore local folk streets with a family of very entertaining fishermen!

Have fun with very folk waiters because they are local Neapolitans.

The family goes out to sea every night to catch fresh fish coming back to the market that only local Neapolitans like me know.

Available a Spritz Aperitif with sparkling or dry local wine from the Vesuvius Volcano(about 3 euros only).

Explore the typical trattoria Naples' quarters (where locals cook only the typical local cuisine! ) x adults & children menu.

1) "land menu" you will choise or Simply version spaghetti vesuvio tomato or roasted sausage or roasted chicken or roasted pork fillet or mozzarella buffalo or Caprese Salad or chips potatos or fried small balls cheese(land menu 16 euro only x person)- Children discounts.

2) "sea food menu" will choise or fresh fish pasta or spaghetti with seafood with mussels or lupins or clams or octopus with salad-

Or octopus & tomato chilli or normal sauce from Vesuvius volcano !

Or fried fresh local fish such as anchovies or squid or shrimp from the Mediterranean ocean!

("sea food menu" 20 euro only x person) Children discounts.

Very folk waiters because they are local Neapolitans.

it's a loud surprise...

Or let's enjoy at the quieter trattoria in the District Quarters enjoyng both or typical local pasta or spaghetti or Margherita baked pizza or the" fried pizza with a secret" x Children & not.

Will enjoy Juice open legs 1 =it's a surprise ! 3 euro only !

Can't write here now because otherwise it won't be a surprise anymore!

Surprising visit to the Espresso Art coffe shop free tips. only !This is a very tipical Napoli's Mood !

In the experience all costs are Excluded starting from the aperitif to the fixed menu lunch up to the coffee until the end of the experience everyone pays for himself.

Meeting point Dante Square (Piazza Dante) very easy to get from all districts point by Naples' Metro line One= Stops are:

>Garibaldi >Duomo>Universita >Municipio >Toledo > Dante Metro line one 'Stop !

From Metro line ONE Garibaldi 'Stop to Piazza Dante 'stop it needs 15 minutes about only-


Tips are welcome.


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