Язык Английский, Французский, Испанский, суахили
Стоимость 450 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 дней

Day 1

After the arrival at your hotel in Lushoto town the tour will Start by walking from Lushoto to Irente biodiversity, pass through Magamba royal village(an historical village) and farming land up to Irente view point which is 1500 m above the sea level, enjoy an incredible view over Maasai plains, manga lake, Mazinde village also you will get opportunity to enjoy an African sunset at the view point. on the way back either driving or walking you will get dinner at Irente bi 6 km distance, 5 walking hours, go and return.

Day 2

Lushoto – Lukozi- 23 KM Sight Scenery

Enjoy the natural beauty of the African Rainforest as you walk up and down. Visit traditional villages and meet locals living their normal lives,pass through kandere kampaya where you will see Black and white colobus monkeys then descend the way down to lukozi village where there are so many local farms and you will see many types of green vegetable.

Day 3

Lukozi –Rangwi- 18 Km Sight Scenery

Continuing to walk on similar terrain uphills and downhills where you will enjoy to see many local views with beautiful scenes of traditional villages, interact with villagers and get a lunch together and they will narrate you some stories about their life style. Overnight at rangwi sisters convert

Day 4

Rangwi- Mtae– 18 Km Sight Scenery

Climb Mzoghoti mountain 2220 Meter above the see level then descend down proceed walking to the pine forest, visit villages where women potters are busy making traditional pots. Eat lunch with a local family. Enjoy spectacular views over the Maasai plain, and on a clear day you can see Mt. Kilimanjaro. Dinner and overnight either at Mambo lodge,Magumba lodge or at Mtae local guest houses , with very clean shared facilities.

Day 5

Mtae to Lushoto

The public transportation from Mtae to Lushoto leave very early in the morning .This means we have to catch a bus around 5:00 am in the morning. Other ways the private transportation can be arranged upon the request out of the mentioned price.

The price is $ 450 Per Person


-All accommodation during the hiking

-3 meals a day

-Forest fees


-Entry fees to the view point

-Mineral water during the hiking

Transportation incase it necessary during the hiking


-Transportation to Lushoto

-Transportation from Lushoto after hiking

-Personal beverages and souvenirs

-Tips to the guide


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