Saigon Shore Excursion: Old and New Parts of Saigon

Язык Английский
Стоимость 127 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 10 часов

7:30-8:00Am Our tour guide will welcome you with a sign (your name) at Phu My port gate (2 to 5 minutes by shuttle bus from the ship to the gate) and depart to Saigon around 1. 5 hours by private mini-van. Then we will do this tour by seeing with many special places in Saigon as follows:

• Saigon Eco Village: This place is very famous with local people for picnic and fishing at weekend. I will introduce to you how they grow the rice, how they catch a fish but in Saigon city (This is an unseen part of Saigon). We will enjoy a cup of coffee or local beer with Vietnamese style here.

Enjoy lunch at local restaurant with local specialty. After that we'll head to center and discover history and culture of Saigon with:

• Local Wet Market

• The Jade Emperor temple

• City Hall

• Opera House

• Central Post Office

• Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral

• War Museum or Reunification Palace (formerly known as the Presidential Palace).

• The CIA building in Saigon: Saigon Helicopter Photo

All private tours are approximately 9-10 hours or longer depending on your time. At the end of the private tour, we will ensure that you return on-time to board the cruise ship.


- Private transportation with A/C

- Local English speaking tour guide; other languages are -available on request

- Lunch at a local restaurant

- Bottled drinking water on the car/bus

- All entrance fee


- Beverage/drinks on meal (if any)

- Personal expenses

- Other expenses not clearly mentioned in the Inclusion part


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