Driver And Guide Turkistan From Taraz And Shymkent

Язык Английский, казахский, Русский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 2 дня

2 day trip to the spiritual capital of South Kazakhstan and all the Turkic people! The city draws thousands of pilgrims. As per local tradition, visiting Turkistan three times is akin to a single hajj to Mecca, a sentiment echoed in other revered sites across the Muslim world. Such high regard for the Saint led to Turkistan being dubbed the Second Mecca of the East, profoundly influencing the spiritual essence of Kazakhstan's Muslim community. In 2021, Keruen-Saray, Central Asia’s largest tourism complex, was opened in Turkistan. This unique attraction features merchants, artisans, a flying theater, an amphitheater for equestrian shows, a bazaar, hotels, restaurants, a spa and fitness center, a cinema, and a family entertainment center


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