
Стоимость 20 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

1: The first thing we will start with is Bab Boujloud, passing through the first road to the old city

2: We will see the historic alleys of the old city and explore some historical neighborhoods

3: We go to the mausoleum of Mola Idris .. and visit Al-Qarawiyyin University, the first university in history

4: We go to Al-Saffarin Square, there are all kinds of copper utensils that are made by hand

5: The historical tannery there is leather made from goats, cows and sheep in a wonderful and traditional way without chemicals .. 100% natural. You can see the tannery from the top and how it is made

6: the marinid tombs:This is a must see place to enjoy the beauty of the old city from a panoramic perspective, it is a place that has become popular in the past two years, as more people come to relax and just enjoy the fresh air and also you can explore some historical monuments dating back to the 12th century...from the Marinid state

7: New Fez Al-Mallah You can explore the historical buildings and architecture.. Passing through the Great Gate of the Royal Palace

8:There are some historical parks that are also worth a visit ... and also some places in the city center

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