Mt batur trekking with hot spring

Язык Английский, Французский
Стоимость 75 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 9 часов

This private tour will give you the chance to experience the best of Bali by combining Mount Batur Trekking & Natural Hot Spring. See the sunrise from the top of Mount Batur on a guided private full-day adventure tour in Bali. Enjoy breakfast with views of Lake Batur and complete your day with a long soak in the healing waters of Batur Natural Hot Spring


Get treated like a VIP. Have your own private tour guide and driver to take care of you throughout the full day tour

Hike up the famous Mount Batur for the perfect Bali sunrise view and visit the volcanic crater

Stop at the Batur Natural Hot Spring for a quick dip in the freshwater pools


02.30 AM - 01.40 AM

Leave your accomodtation (depend on your hotel location).

04.00 AM:

Begin our trek to Mount Batur Bali.

06.15 AM

Arrival at the summit crater, where we witness the spectacular view and sunrise

08.00 AM

Begin our descent to Toya Bungkah Village.

09.00 AM

Arrival at Toya Bungkah Village (finish point).

09.10 AM

Relax & take bath at the Natural hot spring.

11.30 AM

Stop off at a Balinese Coffee plantation

12.30 PM

Leave the coffee plantation & straight back to your hotel.


Transportation in air-conditioned vehicle

Experienced Mount Batur Trekking guide

Drinking water, Flashlight & Breakfast

Hot spring fee, Towel, Changing Room & Locker

All entrance ticket

x Tips (optional)

Ps : (Price are for one person

Extra charge if you are alone )


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