Shopping Tour

Язык Английский, Немецкий, Русский, Tурецкий
Стоимость 80 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Baku Shopping Tour – Transfer to the most fashionable Shopping Malls in Baku: “GANJLIK MALL”, “28 MALL”, “PARK BULVAR MALL”, “PORT BAKU” -Free time for Shopping.


Named after nearby metro station “28 May” and being located in one of the most vibrant districts of Baku, 28 Mall presents around 70 international and local brands and 16 coffee shops and restaurants.


With its grand central atrium and equally impressive external facades, Azerbaijan’s largest shopping mall seamlessly blends form with function to deliver a premier shopping experience in a building that can be described as nothing less than a trophy property.


Located in Baku Boulevard, Park Bulvar will be a very convenient option if you want to do several things in the same day: see appealing Caspian seashore, take a boat tour, go to the amusement park and of course visit a shopping mall. The biggest hotels in the city such as JW Marriott, Hilton and Park Inn are also located nearby


Opened in 2014, Port Baku is considered the largest and the newest shopping mall of Baku. It features more than 300 glorious brands of outfit, accessories, cosmetics and perfume and a lot more. Port Baku Mall is a part of the Port Baku complex that also includes Port Baku Residence and Port Baku Towers business area.


MetroPark offers around 60 clothing, accessories, cosmetics, perfume and electronics brands, 15 cafes and restaurants and children entertainment areas.


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