Venice Walking Tour of Most-Famous Sites Monuments & Attractions with a Local Guide

Язык Английский, Немецкий, Итальянский
Стоимость 400 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Explore the unmatched majesty and beauty of the city . The tour will start in Dorsoduro district, a lot of unusual stops will make this tour different from any other ones. The hidden secrets of The City of Bridges together with the most famous places to discover. From the Scuola Grande di San Rocco to the Basilica de' Frari where painter Titian is buried, from Rialto Bridge to the Marco Polo House continuing through Campo San Giovanni e Paolo up to San Marco Square where the tour will end. Let yourself be involved in the history and memories of the past in a 2 hour outdoor walking tour with an expert english speaking local guide. Join to the morning tour or to the afternoon one.

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