excursion Meknes , Volubilis

Язык Арабский, Английский
Стоимость 1200 MAD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Departure for the Roman city of Volubilis (1h30 drive) from Fez

Visit of VOLUBILIS which was the capital of Mauritania in King Juba II . You can see the House of Orpheus, the Baths of Gallienus, the Temple of Venus and the famous Arch of Caracalla.

Stop for a panoramic view of Moulay Idriss Zerhoum

Lunch in a typical restaurant in Meknes (Not included)

Visit of the imperial city founded by Moulay Ismail in the late fourteenth century, whose gigantic building across Morocco sparked a huge echo that came to Europe at the Court of Louis XIV King of France. City tour with the discovery of its impressive monuments such as the famous Bab el Mansour, the Bab el Khemis, the ramparts, Moulay Ismail’s attic and Lehdim Square


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