Horseback riding tour in the Pamir – Alai Mountains of Kyrgyzstan

Язык Английский
Стоимость 800 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя

Day 1 Osh airport – Osh

Day 2 Osh – Chiyurchik – Sary Mogul

Day 3 Sary Mogul – Tulpar Kul

Day 4 Lenin Peak

Day 5 Bouke

Day 6 Bouke – Sary Mogul – Osh

Day 7 Osh – airport

Price included:

• All Transfer according to the program

• Professional driver

• Horse and local guide during the horse riding days

• Accommodation described in the program (yurts, the best guesthouses)

• Full board meals, mineral waters

• Visits described in the program

Day 1. Osh airport – Osh

Meeting at Osh airport. Installation at guest house in Osh. Briefing. Osh is the oldest and the second-largest city, officially called “The Southern capital” of Kyrgyzstan. The city among the oldest settlements in Central Asia was known as a center for silk production and an important trade center in the Great Silk Road.

On this day we will visit Osh bazaar, a colorful bazaar with more than 2000 years of history, played an important role in the Great Silk Road as a major landmark.

In the afternoon we climb to the Suleiman-Too (Solomon’s Mountain), museum. Besides, there are several caves and rocks that locals and pilgrims believe every spot of the mountain is sacred and come here to follow the rituals and pray for a better life and good health. It is believed that every spot of the mountain is sacred. From the top of the mountain there is a watching platform with beautiful panoramic views of the city and surroundings.

Dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight in a local Guest House. (L/D)

Day 2. Osh – Chiyurchik – Sary Mogul

After breakfast you will be picked up from the guest house and drive to one of the most beautiful roads in the world – Pamir Highway. Chiyrchik Pass is a high mountain pass, which is located 40 kilometers south of the city of Osh. It is 2,400 meters and is the first pass of the well-known Pamir Highway which begins in Osh. Therefore, this place has become an important part of Osh’s tourist infrastructure.

In summer, there are numerous cafes serving kymyz and various Kyrgyz national dishes. Local residents from Osh and the nearest villages arrange picnics and holidays here.

In winter, there is a small ski base, where people ski and tubing (car balloons from heavy trucks.

The nature of the place Chiyurchik is very beautiful. In the summer, all the mountains around are covered with a carpet of bright green grass and flowers. Also, bright red rocks in this area are remarkable, which form an amazing color contrast with green vegetation and snow-capped peaks of the Pamirs. Overnight in Sary Mogul for acclimatization and relaxation before heading up to Tulpar Kul by horses. (B/L/D)

Day 3. Sary Mogul – Tulpar Kul lake

Time to ride horses to Tulpar-Kol lake directed on wide valley in the reflection of giant snow covered mountains under 7000m. Arrive at a small and transparent high altitude lake Tulpar Kul located at an altitude of 3,500 meters of the Zaalaiskiy Range. Tulpar-Kul is a favorite place for mountaineers visiting the Alai Valley, and it is a place with a whole area riddled with marmots. On clear days, a panorama of one of the highest peaks of the Pamir-Alai – Lenin Peak – reflects on the water surface of the lake. Due to this fact the lake is very much loved by photographers. The alpine Lake Tulpar-Kul and sparsely-populated Alay Valley complete the paradise landscape for this unforgettable excursion. Feel like a nomad as you admire the beauty of Lenin Peak and the Pamir-Alay Mountains from the shore of the Tulpar Kul lake. Overnight in the yurts under an expanse of stars which light up the night sky. (B/L/D)

Day 4. Lenin Peak

Breakfast. On this day we ride horses from the lake towards Peak Lenin glacier which goes straight up the valley into the Pamirs. Peak Lenin at 7134m is the third highest mountain in the former Soviet Union and is situated in the Pamirs range of Kyrgyzstan that borders with China and Tajikistan. Have lunch at Lenin Peak Base Camp, followed by free time to walk around the international camp and enjoy panoramic views of majestic Lenin Peak. As the second-highest mountain in Kyrgyzstan, Lenin Peak attracts climbers and trekkers from around the world, yet its beauty is also accessible to less experienced hikers. Return to the yurt camp in the afternoon. Overnight in the yurts. (B/L/D)

Day 5. Bouke

After breakfast we visit Bouke valley through Tuyuk canyon. We ride horses along the magical scenery of the wide Bouke valley. The neighboring yurt camp is located 12 kilometers from Tulpar kol, has a stunning look of natural pasture against the backdrop of snow-capped, 3000-4000m mountain peaks. Very wide valley attracts viewers with charming landscapes. can be seen a lots of cattle and locals who are living in the yurts, huts, houses as summer pasture. We will have chance to visit Afghan nomad family who moved from Afghanistan and happily living in Kyrgyzstan. Afghan nomad life style is different from Kyrgyz nomads. Upon arrival in the yurt, try national dishes and relax on a grandiose view of the nature. Overnight in Bouke. (B/L/D)

Day 6. Bouke – Sary Mogul – Osh

Time to ride back horses to the village Sary Mogul. Lunch in the homestay. Traditional activities will be organized upon request (payable). Drive back to Osh, Free day, farewell dinner at local restaurant. (B/L/D)

Day 7. Osh – Airport

Transfer to airport



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