Ras Muhammad National Park: Snorkeling boat trip with Optional Dive

Язык Английский
Стоимость 45 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Take a snorkeling trip to Ras Muhammad National Park to explore the underwater world around White Island. Opt for a diving session and marvel at the colorful flora and fauna before enjoying lunch.


English, Russian, Arabic

Pickup included

Pickup is available from your hotel or selected address in Sharm El Sheikh. Meet at the main entrance of the hotel on the street, not at the reception gate or area.



Go snorkeling near Ras Muhammad National Park’s crystal-clear waters

Explore the varied and colorful underwater world of White Island

Enjoy a delicious lunch on board

Have the option to take an introductory diving session

Full description

Embark on a full-day trip to Ras Muhammad National Park and go snorkeling in the underwater marine world of White Island. After pickup from your hotel in Sharm El Sheikh starting at 8:00 AM, you’ll be transferred to the port where you’ll take a yacht cruise to Ras Muhammad National Park.

Then, the day is yours to discover the colorful plant and marine life surrounding Ras Muhammad. The tour includes 2 stops for snorkeling to see coral reefs, various types of fish, and other underwater inhabitants. You’ll be amazed at the clarity of the water along the coast of the National Park. After the first stop, you’ll be served a delicious lunch on board.

Afterward, you'll make the 25-kilometer journey to the stunning White Island, where you'll enjoy another snorkeling stop. After all the stops are completed and everyone is satisfied with their day, you’ll be dropped off at your hotel at around 5:00 PM.

price 45 $ per person


Pickup and drop-off from your hotel

Light Lunch

Unlimited soft drinks (on the boat)

2 -3 snorkeling stops

not include :


Snorkeling equipment (masks, fins, and life jackets) for rentals

One Intro diving 6-10 min, available as an add-on when checking out

What to bring:


Sun hat


Diving certification

Know before you go:

A minimum of 2 persons is required to operate the shared tour, the product can be canceled or rescheduled if the minimum group size is not met

The introductory dive is available to book in the checkout process as "Add on"

The introductory dive is approximately 6-10 minutes

Diving does not require a diving license but is based on your physical condition. Book this add on only if you're physically fit for diving

Diving fees are non-refundable if you're not fit to dive

You need to sign an indemnity form before you dive onboard

You must follow the instructions of the master diver at all times


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